Spay/Neuter Education
Thousands and thousands of puppies and kittens are born in the United States every day. Half of those are accidents.When close to four million homeless pets are killed in shelters each year it is time to do something about it.
Montgomery County Animal Shelter took in close to 11,000 dogs in 2015.This doesn’t even include the cats. Some are adopted, some are temporarily fostered and some are rescued by rescue groups like Operation Pets Alive. However, those remaining are at extreme risk of euthanasia due to overcrowding.
Puppies can get pregnant at six months old and kittens as early as four months old. That is why it is best to spay or neuter early beginning at four months old. Thousands of puppies and kittens are born by accident due to the confusion as to when to spay and neuter your pet.
While both spaying and neutering your pet is a major medical procedure, they are also the most common practiced by veterinarians.
Your pet will be under anesthesia for the procedure and usually pain medication following the procedure will manage any discomfort. Recovery is usually very quick and most dogs and cats bounce back to normal within 24 to 48 hours.
Spaying and neutering your pet is rather unlikely to change their basic personality or levels of playfulness, or activity level. It can change some behavioral issues such as mounting, howling and the urge to roam.
Males are just as much of the problem as are females. Male pets are more likely to run away in search of a female, which puts them at risk of injury and disease and a lost pet. Your pet will not feel emasculated, this is a human feeling. They may be less likely to exhibit mating related behaviors like marking.
Spaying your pet before they go into their first heat is probably a good idea as this greatly reduces the risk of mammary cancers and reproductive- related diseases. If done properly spaying and neutering at any age can eliminate or reduce the development of reproductive organ tumors.
Dogs and cats can be spayed or neutered at any time during their lives. Your veterinarian can help you determine whether or not to have the procedure on your older pet.