UPDATED: 10/21/2021
How to Help Our Bottle Babies
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- Donate supplies through Amazon here

Bottle Babies: Day 1 in Foster Care
These sweet babies are with one of our bottle baby fosters, Candice C., who is one of our go-tos when it comes to orphans in need! FAQ for these bottle babies below.
Here’s what Candice had to say: “I always intend to post more about the orphans we save, but rarely get around to sharing their journey along the way as much as I would like. So in an effort to tell their story, and share with everyone, Linda A. graciously ran to CAS to grab these sweet angels and bring them to me! I can’t wait to meet them “
She is always working behind the scenes to do what she can for OPA and our foster pups, and has been sharing the story of these sweet little ones with our volunteer group recently. We thought you would like to follow their journey as well!
Q: What kind of puppies are these?
A: We have no idea. We were not able to see their parents, but will have a better guess once they get older
Q: Where is their mom?
A: Unfortunately, these puppies were removed from their mother as she was killing her litter Thankfully we were able to grab them from Conroe Animal Shelter to help give them a shot at a healthy life. The shelter is full of germs dangerous to puppies this young.
Q: How old are they?
A: These puppies were only a few days old when the photo was taken and were about 1 pound each – so tiny!!
Q: How can I help them?
A: The best way to help the bottle babies in our program is to donate through our Amazon Wishlist (https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1VX5X3VLU5BI0) or by donating on Facebook! Facebook pays all processing fees for us! If you’d prefer to donate directly through our website, click here to see our Donate page.
Bottle Babies: Day 2 in Foster Care
Are there every too many sleeping pictures of puppies? Here’s the Day 2 update from Candice: “Everyone is still alive! I won’t clutter your newsfeed with updates every single day, but I wanted to at least share that good news! They are tiny, maybe only a few days old. Even in these survivors, it’s clear that the mama dog was hurting them, one baby girl is covered in bruises that you can see on her tummy. But otherwise, they are gorgeous 4 boys, 2 girls. 3 of them are pretty significantly congested, so their breathing treatments are underway. They are all excellent, strong eaters!”
Update #3: 10/18/2021
First things first: How many of you said “Stretch” when you saw this last photo?
Now on to the hard update on these sweet babies. One of the little girls, Savannah, struggled to eat throughout the day, but that same evening ate dinner really well, so Candice was encouraged. But the next morning, she went back to not eating. She didn’t eat all that day, so Candice started her on fluids under the skin, and started tube feeding. Another puppy, Astro, had a violent vomiting episode, and now is not eating. A third puppy, Milner, eats intermittently, and the other 3 remaining puppies still eat really well. But even with the good eaters, their lung congestion is not improving.
Any time an animal comes into our program, the reason we have them, is because someone else didn’t want them. So we’re often battling the challenge of bringing them back to health, and we’re all familiar with what a roller coaster that can be. The fragile age of these puppies, makes the situation more like a roller coaster with a time bomb attached.
Q: How can I learn more about these puppies?
A: Follow us on Facebook and check our website to see updates on these little ones!
Q: Is this a day 3 update?
A: No. OPA is an all volunteer organization and we have so many stories to tell, updates to make and events to share, that these bottle babies stories cannot and are not being told in realtime. All posts are at least a week delayed.
Update #4: 10/21/2021
Candice’s six fosters had a long, strange week. Last Tuesday, Savannah and Astro had both stopped eating entirely, and by Wednesday they were throwing up everything she was able to get in them. They were taken to a vet appointment on Thursday and rushed to the ER on Friday, where sadly, Astro passed away around midnight. Savannah was able to fight a little longer, but also lost her fight Monday morning.
Even in their two short weeks of life, they already started to show their personalities. Even in their weakest state, Savannah would still lift a leg for you to rub her tiny belly. And Astro always wanted to feel that he was near his foster, if she stepped away or moved her hand, he would root around until he found his way back to her arms. They had just started to open their eyes. Candice is understandable heartbroken, but sent this message to our volunteers:
“My two precious babies are gone, but I hope their memory can be a reminder to all of you amazing volunteers, you incredible foster families, selfless donors, to continue to be the advocate for the innocent. If anyone doesn’t believe you, continue to be the voice for the voiceless.
I am beyond grateful for our amazing organization for fighting for Astro and Savannah, I am so thankful for my fellow rescuers, my friends, for loving these babies with me. I love this village we have. Thank you all for being my village. The remaining 4 puppies are wonderful, fat, snuggley perfection. Happy posts to come.”
Are any up for adoption?
Sometimes fostering moms with babies is the most rewarding experience because the moms take such good care of their sweet little kitties. Fosters are required to supply basics like food, litter, toys, blankets, etc. San Antonio Pets Alive!