The year is halfway over and we wanted to take a minute to thank Hello Woodlands for giving us an additional platform to highlight some of our adoptable pets! Through our new partnership with Hello Woodlands, we’ve been able to feature six different animals in their Pet of the Month articles. These features highlight a local dog or cat available for foster and/or adoption in Montgomery County, Texas. We are so incredibly thankful for this partnership and this great opportunity!
Last Update: 08/19/2022
So who have these lucky cats and dogs been? We thought you’d never ask! Say hello to the first six Pet of the Month pets of 2022:
January’s Pet of the Month: Comet

Comet has spent the majority of his 1.5 years in our program. He came to us at just a week old and was adopted soon after becoming old enough. Sadly, his adopter discovered a puppy was too much for them and returned him a few months later. Comet is in a lovely foster home, but we would love for him to find his real home. You can learn more about Comet in his Hello Woodlands feature here.
If you are interested in meeting or adopting Comet, fill out an application on our website (no obligation to adopt) with his name and ID D200800: Adoption Application
March’s Pet of the Month: Chippy

Chippy (originally known as Elmer) started off with his foster as just a baby. He was quickly adopted with his sister, but after 4 years with their adopter, needed to be returned. He’s now been back with his original foster for about half a year and is looking for a family he can call his own. You can learn more about Chippy in his Hello Woodlands feature here.
If you are interested in meeting or adopting Chippy, fill out an application on our website (no obligation to adopt) with his name (Elmer/Chippy) and ID 12338335: Adoption Application
May’s Pet of the Month: Phoebe

Phoebe’s story is similar to our other features. Adopted as a baby and then returned. She spent 2 glorious years with her family, until her dad needed to get a service dog. Her family was heartbroken when the service dog and Phoebe couldn’t get along and ultimately needed to return her to us. You can learn more about Phoebe in her Hello Woodlands feature here. She is now with a foster who is helping her find a new family!
If you are interested in meeting or adopting Phoebe, fill out an application on our website (no obligation to adopt) with her name (Squeak/Phoebe) and ID D191072: Adoption Application
June’s Pet of the Month: Shane

Sometimes adult dogs take a lot more work to get adopted, even when they are the sweetest souls. Shy boy Shane is an old soul and is now in a foster home with a foster who loves him as her own, but is still helping him search for the right permanent family. You can learn more about Shane in his Hello Woodlands feature here.
If you are interested in meeting or adopting Shane, fill out an application on our website (no obligation to adopt) with his name and ID D210282: Adoption Application
Manolo: February’s Feature

Did you notice we skipped February? Well there was an excellent reason for it! February’s Pet of the Month was adopted! Manolo landed an amazing family with human siblings to run around with. This gorgeous boy didn’t let an adoption return keep his spirits down for long and we were happy to find him a home that has stuck!
If you’d still like to read his feature with Hello Woodlands, click here. See his adoption photo below.
Bucky: April’s Featured Pet

Bucky was a stray taken to Conroe Animal Shelter. He was selected as a 1-week temporary foster, but it was clear to us (and his foster) that we couldn’t let him go back to the shelter. It took about 5 months, but we finally got Bucky his happily ever after and he is living the life with his new dad!
If you’d like to read his Hello Woodlands feature, click here. See his adoption photo below.
Adoption Photos

Thanks again to Hello Woodlands for giving us a space to share some of our fosters needing extra exposure. If you’re ready to adopt, see all of our available animals here and stay tuned for our next featured pet by following Hello Woodlands online!