Are you ready to be entertained with the Cloud Saga? Be sure and read all the way to the bottom to see this boy’s transformation!
UPDATED: 09/23/2021
In early August, our TNR team was on the way to return cats in New Caney when they decided to answer a community request and pick up a dog that had been dumped in Porter. Unfortunately for them, they soon discovered he was free roaming and they would need to trap him!

Thanks to Pit Bulls and Parolees, our volunteers Deanna and Carolyn had a few ideas on how to get him safely in a crate. A couple of slip leads, patience and good ol’ McDonald’s chicken nuggets, got “Cloud” into the crate. You would think that would be the end of the story, but it only gets better… because Cloud is a CLIMBER!

After being placed in Deanna’s puppy pen, he scaled a 7 foot fence and escaped after only 4 days! Deanna’s whole neighborhood was keeping track of his movements, but he did not want to go to anyone. He was on the run for 2 weeks before Deanna was able to borrow a wolf trap and he finally got hungry enough to go in!
Remember how we said Cloud was a CLIMBER… Cloud managed to get on top of the 4 foot wall and was trying to work out how far up the panels went in the barn! During Cloud’s neuter surgery, they shaved 2 inches of matted hair off of him and he’s unrecognizable! Cloud turned out to be a 22 pound Schnauzer. We’re hoping he settles down after being neutered and accepts the love, warm home and food his foster is offering him, but at least if he escapes again, he won’t be making anymore mini escape artists!
Thanks to volunteers Carolyn P. and Deanna O. (and all her neighbors!) for all your hard work!
Adoption Update: 09/23/2021

Foster Susan H. and family couldn’t image letting Cloud out of their home after taking over his foster care. To Cloud, we say welcome to club I’m Adopted, and to Susan, after more than 50 fosters we say, welcome to the #fosterfail club! Here’s what Susan had to say:
“Cloud, now Snow Cloud, was sent by Buddy to be with us. He has not climbed the dog cage Deanna built in my back yard but he and Jon play in it sometimes. He has not tried to run away, he gets gentleness and attention all the time, there are 8 of us. He is a great little boy, very gentle and loving.”